REDO 1 Final Event - InnoBrain

by Masih Davari
1 year ago

The REDO 1 project has come to a close and InnoBrain™ is proud to have contributed to this innovative initiative. As one of the contributors involved in the project, we are thrilled with the interesting results that have been achieved in the field of semi-autonomous and teleoperation driving.

Throughout the course of the project, we have worked closely with the partners, including the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI),  ITRL – Integrated Transport Research Lab (KTH) and Ictech throughout REDO 1.

Our involvement in the REDO 1 project has been a great opportunity for us to contribute to the advancement of semi-autonomous and teleoperation driving, and we are excited to see the results of the project.

At InnoBrain™, we are committed to innovation and collaboration, and we are proud to have been a part of this groundbreaking project. We look forward to continuing our work in this field and being involved in future projects that push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of transportation.